state of the economy
According to the Central Statistical Office in January - September this year. sold production of industry was by 4.5 percent higher compared to the same period last year (in which a 5.9% increase was recorded). In most major industrial groups in September this year. counting y / y, an increase in production was recorded, and so the production of capital goods and durable consumer goods increased by 7.8 percent, non-durable consumer goods by 7.3 percent,
Jak podaje portal zus.pl, od momentu powszechnego wprowadzenia elektronicznych zwolnień lekarskich, tj. od 1 grudnia 2018 r. do końca lipca tego roku do Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych wpłynęło już ponad 16,9 mln e-zwolnień. W tym czasie w wersji papierowej, która wyszła z użycia, lekarze wystawili tylko nieco ponad 32 tys. druków. Co jeszcze bardziej istotne to fakt, że liczba papierowych zwolnień systematycznie, z miesiąca na miesiąc spada. W czerwcu na blisko 1,7 mln e-ZLA lekarze papierowo wypisali jedynie 385 druków, zaś w lipcu na 1,75 mln e-ZLA ZUS otrzymał w tzw. papierze jedynie 320 druków. Oznacza to, że liczba zwolnień papierowych spadła poniżej 0,0002 proc.
Individual taxpayer's bills
The tax administration, starting from 2020, introduces for taxpayers an individual tax account number containing PESEL (taxpayer) or NIP (payer). Separate bills will be affected by payments for PIT, CIT and VAT. The accounts will be serviced by the National Bank of Poland. The individual tax account number can be obtained at any tax office or online at www.podatki.gov.pl. In addition to organizing the tax system, the taxpayer will benefit from receiving without undue delay a certificate of non-payment of taxes. The existing old tax office accounts, dedicated to PIT, CIT and VAT payments, will be closed on December 31, 2019.
Individual taxpayer's bills
The tax administration, starting from 2020, introduces for taxpayers an individual tax account number containing PESEL (taxpayer) or NIP (payer). Separate bills will be affected by payments for PIT, CIT and VAT. The accounts will be serviced by the National Bank of Poland. The individual tax account number can be obtained at any tax office or online at www.podatki.gov.pl. In addition to organizing the tax system, the taxpayer will benefit from receiving without undue delay a certificate of non-payment of taxes. The existing old tax office accounts, dedicated to PIT, CIT and VAT payments, will be closed on December 31, 2019.