Koszty globalnego ocieplenia - analiza

On the occasion of the UN climate summit in Katowice, Polish Radio Katowice held a discussion on the costs of global warming. Professor Florian Kuźnik and Radosław Gumułka presented their point of view.

When we talk about the fight against global warming, we are really talking about costs. And when this word appears, the question arises right away - who should bear it? This issue was the subject of the "Subject for discussion" broadcast, during which Radosław Gumułka discussed, among others, principles of financing climate policy, including the functioning of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and the National Operator of the Green Investment System (KOSZI).

UN climate summits, i.e. COP (Conference of the Parties) are global conferences during which climate policy measures are negotiated. Approximately 20,000 people from 190 countries take part in this year's event in Katowice, including politicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and scientific and business spheres.

Grupa Gumułka specializes among others in services supporting ecology, including audits of spending funds, reporting to KOBIZE, audits of energy intensity ratios, and also helps to obtain and account for funding of pro-ecological undertakings.